Sunday, October 25, 2009
Parameters IC LM3875
Output Current 6000 mA.
Offset Voltage max, 25C 10 mV.
Gain Bandwidth 8 MHz.
Supply Min 20 Volt.
Supply Max 84 Volt.
Supply Current Per Channel 30 mA.
PowerWise Rating 2 3750 uA/MHz.
Slew Rate 11 Volts/usec.
Input OutputType Not Rail to Rail.
Max Input Bias Current 1000 nA.
Special Features AvCl>10.
Function Op Amp.
Channels 1 Channels.
Temperature Min 0 deg C.
Temperature Max 70 deg C.
Labels: Home Amplifier, LM Amplifier
The LM1875 has a smaller package than the TO-220 package used for the LM3875. As a result, the feedback resistor can not be connected the same way I did for the LM3875. On the positive side: The package does not contain many unused pins.
Skema rangkaian 20 watt mono amplifier
The following components will be used:
- LM1875 Power OpAmp
- 4 capacitors BC 1000uF/50V
IC LM1875 description
The LM1875 is a monolithic power amplifier offering very low distortion and high quality performance for consumer audio applications.
The LM1875 delivers 20 watts into a 4 /8 ohm load on ±25V supplies. Using an 8 ohm load and ±30V supplies, over 30 watts of power may be delivered. The amplifier is designed to operate with a minimum of external components. Device overload protection consists of both internal current limit and thermal shutdown.
The LM1875 design takes advantage of advanced circuit techniques and processing to achieve extremely low distortion levels even at high output power levels. Other outstanding features include high gain, fast slew rate and a wide power bandwidth, large output voltage swing, high current capability, and a very wide supply range. The amplifier is internally compensated and stable for gains of 10 or greater.
Features IC LM1875
• Up to 30 watts output power.
• AVO typically 90 dB.
• Low distortion: 0.015%, 1 kHz, 20 W.
• Wide power bandwidth: 70 kHz.
• Protection for AC and DC short circuits to ground.
• Thermal protection with parole circuit.
• High current capability: 4A.
• Wide supply range 16V-60V.
• Internal output protection diodes.
• 94 dB ripple rejection.
• Plastic power package TO-220.
Labels: Home Amplifier, LM Amplifier
Thursday, October 22, 2009
There is Amplifier circuit based on STK400xx series. The amplifier circuit will give you good quality of sound unexpensive too since STK40xx series have low price. It is easy we make a power amplifier using only few external components. The STKxxxx amplifiers, for them we will find in enough eponymous stereo amplifiers , but also in enough activety loudspeakers.
Component list
R1-4................................. 1Kohm
R2.................................... 33Kohm
R3-8................................. 100ohm
R5.................................... 0.22ohm 5W
R6.................................... 10ohm 2W
R7.................................... 6,8ohm 2W
R11.................................. 680ohm
C1.................................... 560 pF 100V ceramic or mylar
C2-7................................. 1 uF 63V MKT
C3-12............................... 220 uF 63V
C4-5-10............................ 100 pF
C6-9................................ 47uF 63V
C8................................... 100 nF 100V MKT
C11................................. 1 nF 100V MKT
C13................................. 100 uF 25V
C14................................. 10pF 100V ceramic or mylar
L1................................... 3μH [15 turns of 1mm around R6] 100V ceramic or mylar
F1-2................................ 2A Fuse fast
IC1=STK4036.................. STK4044
STK40xx Series:
STK 4036 > Supply: ±35V - ±53,5V; Power (8R load): 50W.
STK 4038 > Supply: ±40V - ±58V; Power (8R load): 60W.
STK 4040 > Supply: ±43V - ±63V; Power (8R load): 70W.
STK 4042 > Supply: ±46V - ±67V; Power (8R load): 80W.
STK 4044 > Supply: ±51V - ±74V ; Power (8R load): 100V.
Labels: Home Amplifier, STK Amplifier
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Voltage gain is 27dB as shown, but this can be changed by using a different value resistor for the feedback path (R4, currently 22k, between pins 2 and 4). The amplifier must not be operated at any gain less than 10 (20dB) as set by R4 and R5, as it will oscillate. In some cases, an inductor may be needed in series with the output to prevent instability with capacitive loads (10 turns of 0.5mm wire wound around a 10 Ohm 1W resistor). The most common capacitive load is the speaker cable itself, and 'audiophile' leads are often worse than standard grade cables in this respect.
The 1 Ohm resistor (R6) should be a 1W or 0.5W type, and all others should be 1/4W 1% metal film (as I always recommend). All electrolytic capacitors should be rated at 50V if at all possible, and the 100nF (0.1uF) caps for the supplies should be as close as possible to the IC to prevent oscillation. C1 should be a bipolar (non-polarised) electrolytic, or may be plastic film if you prefer.
Parameter IC TDA 2050
Supply Voltage........................................... ±25 V.
Input Voltage............................................... VS.
Differential Input Voltage............................. ±15 V.
Output Peak Current (internally limited)........ 5 A.
Power Dissipation TCASE = 75°C.................. 25 W.
Storage and Junction Temperature............. -40 to 150 °C.
Labels: Home Amplifier, TDA Amplifier
Sunday, October 18, 2009
The IC must be heatsinked.
Uses 4 Ohm Speaker
For optimum performance input and output must be separately grounded.
Parameters IC TDA1514A IC TDA 2040
Supply Voltage........................................ ± 20 V.
Input Voltage........................................... ± 20 V.
Differential Input Voltage......................... ± 15 V.
Output Peak Current (internally limited).... 4 A.
Power Dissipation at Tcase = 75 °C........... 25 W.
Storage and Junction Temperature......... – 40 to + 150 °C.
Labels: Home Amplifier, TDA Amplifier
Friday, October 16, 2009
The IC must be heatsinked.
For optimum performance input and output must be separately grounded.
The IC TDA1514A integrated circuit is a hi-fi power amplifier for use as a building block in radio, tv and other audio applications. The high performance of the IC meets the requirements of digital sources. The circuit is totally protected, the two output transistors both having thermal and SOAR protection. The circuit also has a mute function that can be arranged for a period after power-on with a delay time fixed by external components.
Parameters IC TDA1514A
Supply voltage range......................................Min ± 10 V, Max ±30 V.
Output power, VP = ± 23 V, RL = 4 Ohm..........48 Watt.
Closed loop voltage gain................................30DB.
Input resistance............................................20 KOhm.
Output current (repetitive peak)......................Max 8 A.
Storage temperature range............................-55 to + 150 °C.
Mute voltage................................................7.25 V.
Labels: Home Amplifier, TDA Amplifier
Power@ 4Ohms, 1% THD...................60 Watt.
Power@ 8Ohms, 1% THD..................45 Watt.
Power@ 8Ohms, 10% THD................56 Watt.
THD Conditions.................................Po=40W @ Vs=±35V.
User Supply........................................35 Volt.
Supply Range.....................................+24 - +84V.
Temperature Min...............................-20 deg C.
Temperature Max..............................85 deg C.
Labels: Home Amplifier, LM Amplifier
Component List
U1...................IC LA4440
C2, C3............47uF
C5..................100uF 25V
C6..................2200uF 25V
C7, C8...........47uF 25V
SP1................4ohm 25W
the IC LA 4440 is wired as a bridge amplifier to deliver a 19 W Rms on a 4 Ohm speaker. The IC has built in thermal, over voltage and short circuit protection.The IC also incorporates a audio muting function,but that is not used here.
Use a 12 V DC/ 3 Ampere current power supply .
Don’t forget to fit a proper heat sink with IC.
Use a 4 Ohm speaker as.
IC Power LA4440
Data IC LA4440
Maximum supply voltage.............................18 V.
Allowable power dissipation Pd max............15 W.
Operating temperature Topr........................–20 to +75.
Storage temperature Tstg............................–40 to +150.
Voltage gain VG..........................................49.5 to 53.5.
Output power PO....................................... Stereo 06 W, Bridge 19 W.
Input resistance ri ............................. ....... 30kOhm.
Labels: 12 volt Amplifier, Car Amplifier
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
The LM12 is a power op amp capable of driving ±25V at ±10A while operating from ±30V supplies. The monolithic IC can deliver 80W of sine wave power into a 4Ω load with 0.01% distortion. Power bandwidth is 60 kHz. Further, a peak dissipation capability of 800W allows it to handle reactive loads such as transducers, actuators or small motors without derating. Important features include:
- input protection
- controlled turn on
- thermal limiting
- overvoltage shutdown
- output-current limiting
- dynamic safe-area protection
The turn-on characteristics are controlled by keeping the output open-circuited until the total supply voltage reaches 14V. The output is also opened as the case temperature exceeds 150°C or as the supply voltage approaches the BVCEO of the output transistors. The IC withstands overvoltages to 80V.
Labels: Home Amplifier, LM Amplifier
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
This is circuit amplifier contains only an op-amp and four transistors (easily available from your electronics junk box). the op-amp used is uA 741 which produces the required gain.The four transistors are wired as complementary Darlington’s which produces the drive for the speaker.
The voltage drop across the resistors R2 and R3, are used as the input of the Darlington pairs . As the input current to the op-amp depends on the level of the signal op amp is amplifying the voltage drop across the resistors R2 and R3 will be proportional to the input signal.These voltage drops are given to the base of Darlington pairs. The amplification is stabilized as a result of the negative feedback from the junction of collectors of Q2 and Q4. The theory may seem little awkward for you.But its working good.Such a simple but stable circuit as this can produce a reasonable output of 12W on a 4 Ohm speaker.
IC Op-Amp UA741
The UA741 is a high performance monolithic operational amplifier constructed on a single silicon chip. The high gain and wide range of operating voltages provide superior performances in integrator, summing amplifier and general feedback applications. The internal compensation network (6dB/ octave) insures stability in closed loop circuits.
Data max Ic UA741
* Symbol Parameter UA741M UA741I UA741C Unit.
* Supply voltage (VCC) ±22 V.
* Differential Input Voltage (Vid ) ±30 V.
* Input Voltage (Vi ) ±15 V.
* Power Dissipation (Ptot) 500 mW.
* Storage Temperature Range (Tstg) -65 to +150 °C.
Labels: 12 volt Amplifier, Op-Amp Ampifier
Monday, October 12, 2009
Supply voltage: 8 -15 volts
Output power: 5.4 Watts
I/P for full O/P: 30 -4000 mV (RMS)
Noise O/P no I/P: 0.0005 Volts RMS
Supply current (no-signal): 50 mA
Supply Current (Full O/P): 1.9 Amperes
3dB Frequency Response: 42 - 34000 Hertz
6dB Frequency Response: 21 - 62000 Hertz
Distortion at 2-watts: 0.01 % (Vgain=10)
Data transistor TIP 41
- Collector-Base Voltage (VCBO) : TIP41: 40V, TIP41A: 60V, TIP41B: 80V, TIP41C: 100V.
- Collector-Emitter Voltage (VCEO) : TIP41: 40V, TIP41A: 60V, TIP41B: 80V, TIP41C: 100V.
- Emitter-Base Voltage (VEBO): 5V.
- Collector Current (DC): 6A.
- Collector Current (Pulse): 10A.
- Base Current (IB): 2A.
- Collector Dissipation (TC=25°C): 65W.
- Collector Dissipation (Ta=25°C): 2W.
- Junction Temperature (TJ): 150 °C.
- Storage Temperature : - 65 ~ 150 °C.
- DC Current Gain (hFE ): Max 15 - 75.
Labels: Mini Amplifier
Monday, October 5, 2009
Recommended supply voltage: 5-15V. Ideally the power supply should be able to deliver over 2.5 Amps. This means that a typical ‘cheap’ plugin power supply (wall wart) will not be good enough. The power supply leads should be as short as possible. Quiescent current 20-70mA, typically 40mA.
IC BA5406 Description
The BA5406 is a monolithic dual OTL power amplifier containing two sets of high-power AF power amplifiers. The device delivers 5 watts x 2 into 30 loads with a 12V supply, or 2.8 watts x 2 into 30 loads with a 9V supply. The BA5406 features minimal power-on pop noise and immunity to supply voltage drop. With its minimal RF radiation, the device is ideally suited for use in stereo radio cassette recorders.
Features IC BA5406
Minimal power-on pop noise.
Immunity to supply voltage drop (operates down to Vcc=4.5V typ.).
Excellent channel balance.
Low distortion (THD=0.3% at PO=O.5W). SIP package for mounting ease and saved space on a PC board.
Ripple filter input (pin 6) can also be used as a muting control input.
Symmetrical pin configuration facilitates art work.
Low thermal resistance of the package makes heat-sink design easy.
Built-in high-frequency phase compensation capacitor.
Minimal RF radiation allows for free system layout.
Labels: 12 volt Amplifier, Car Amplifier, Home Amplifier
So the gain is the result of the power output (Pout) and power at the input to its function in the form of frequency. The size of the gain, (G) is usually the Decibel (dB).
2N3055 Power Amplifier
Skema 2N3055 Power Amplifier . The optimal supply voltage is around 30V, but this amp work from 24 to 32V. The maximal input voltage is around 0.8 - 1V. As you can see, in this design the components have a big tolerance, so you can build it almost of the components, which you find at home. The and transistors can be any NPN type power transistor, but do not use Darlington types. The output power is around 150 Watt.
capacitor C2 regulates the higher frequencies (treble), as the capacitance grows, the higher frequencies are getting quiter.
this is a class B amplifier, this means, that a current must flow through the end transistors, even if there is no signal on the input. This current can be regulated with the 500Ω trimmer resistor. As this current incrases, the sound of the amplifier gets better, but the end transistors are more heating. But if this current decrases, the transistors are not heating so much, but the sound gets worse.
Labels: Home Amplifier, Medium Amplifier
Saturday, October 3, 2009
the amplifier circuit only a few external components, the IC contains most of the necessary circuitry. C1, C5 are the input coupling capacitors, which block any DC that might be present on the inputs. C2, C9 maintain DC bias levels in the gain adjustment (feed back) circuit. C4 provides power supply decoupling, and C6, C8 are the output coupling capacitors. C10, R1 and C11, R2 act as zobel networks providing a high frequency load to maintain stability where loud speaker inductive reactance may become excessive. The pot provides adjustable input level attenuation.
list Components :
Capacitors :
C1, C5 2.2 uF / 50Vecap
C2, C9 10 uF / 25V ecap
C3, C7 100 nF mono (104)
C4 100 uF / 16V ecap
C6, C8 470 uF / 16V ecap
C10, C11 47 nF mylar (473)
Resistors :
R1, R2 10 ohm (brown, black, black)
Pot 1 10k ohm dual gang log pot. (A)
Misc. :
Kit 115V2 Printed Circuit Board
IC 1, 2 LM386N Integrated Circuit
8 pin IC socket
2 pin header and jumper 2 sets
Specifications :
- D.C. input : 4 – 12 V at 200 – 500 mA max.
- Idle current : ~ 10 mA
- Power output : > 1 Watt max. @ 8 ohms, 12V DC, ~ 0.4 Watt RMS cont. per channel
- Freq. Resp. : ~ 40 Hz to 100 kHz, 8 ohm, < g="20"> 80 dB, (>90dBA) G = 20, > 60 dB, (>70 dBA) G = 200
- Sensitivity : > 100 mV, G=20, > 10 mV, G=200
- Input Z : ~ 10 k ohm.
Labels: 12 volt Amplifier, Mini Amplifier
List Components :
* C1 : 2.2uF electrolytic capacitor
* C2 : 100nF ceramic
* C3 : 100uF electrolytic
* R1 : 1K ohm resistor
* R2 : 10K ohm potentiometer
* Spindle for potentiometer
* TDA7052 Integrated Circuit
Specifications IC TDA7052 :
D.C. input : 3 – 15 V at <> 1 Watt @ 8 ohms maximum.
> 0.25 Watt RMS continuous
Freq. Resp. > 20 Hz – 20 kHz
~ 10 – 50 kHz, – 3dB
THD <> 70 dBA
Gain ~ 30 dB maximum.
Input Z ~ 10 k ohm.
Labels: TDA Amplifier
Friday, October 2, 2009
So the gain is the result of the power output (Pout) and power at the input to its function in the form of frequency. The size of the gain, (G) is usually the Decibel (dB).
68 Watt Audio Amplifier LM3886
The performance of the LM3886, utilizing its Self Peak Instantaneous Temperature (°Ke) (SPiKe™) protection circuitry, puts it in a class above discrete and hybrid amplifiers by providing an inherently, dynamically protected Safe Operating Area (SOA). SPiKe protection means that these parts are completely safeguarded at the output against overvoltage, undervoltage, overloads, including shorts to the supplies, thermal runaway, and instantaneous temperature peaks.
The LM3886 maintains an excellent signal-to-noise ratio of greater than 92dB with a typical low noise floor of 2.0µV. It exhibits extremely low THD+N values of 0.03% at the rated output into the rated load over the audio spectrum, and provides excellent linearity with an IMD (SMPTE) typical rating of 0.004%.
- 68W cont. avg. output power into 4 at VCC = ±28V
- 38W cont. avg. output power into 8 at VCC = ±28V
- 50W cont. avg. output power into 8 at VCC = ±35V
- 135W instantaneous peak output power capability
- Signal-to-Noise Ratio >= 92dB
- An input mute function
- Output protection from a short to ground or to the supplies via internal current limiting circuitry
- Output over-voltage protection against transients from inductive loads
- Supply under-voltage protection, not allowing internal biasing to occur when |VEE| + |VCC| <= 12V, thus eliminating turn-on and turn-off transients
- 11-lead TO-220 package
- Wide supply range 20V - 94V.
Labels: Home Amplifier, LM Amplifier
Component List:
C1 1 10uf Electrolytic Capacitor
C2 1 470uf Electrolytic Capacitor
C3 1 0.1uF Disc Capacitor
C4 1 2000uf Electrolytic Capacitor 2200uF
R1 1 2.2 Ohm Resistance (Anything Within 10% tolerance)
R3 1 220 Ohm Resistance (Anything Within 10% tolerance)
IC1 1 LM383 IC
IC LM386 Description
The inputs are ground referenced while the output automatically biases to one-half the supply voltage. The quiescent power drain is only 24 milliwatts when operating from a 6 volt supply, making the LM386 ideal for battery operation.
IC LM386 Features
• Minimum external parts
• Wide supply voltage range: 4V-12V or 5V-18V
• Low quiescent current drain: 4mA
• Voltage gains from 20 to 200
• Ground referenced input
• Self-centering output quiescent voltage
• Low distortion: 0.2% (AV = 20, VS = 6V, RL = 8Ohm, PO = 125mW, f = 1kHz)
• Available in 8 pin MSOP package.
Labels: LM Amplifier
Thursday, October 1, 2009
This circuit of the design without using the IC by using methods that seem somewhat out of date. ampilfier the supply voltage 12v. SW1 switch will produce bass-booster, but at the same time the volume should be increased to compensate for lost power at high frequency.
list Component Of Audio Amplifier:
-P1: 10K Log.Potentiometer
-R1,R2: 33K 1/4W Resistors
-R3: 33R 1/4W Resistor
-R4: 15K 1/4W Resistor
-R5,R6: 1K 1/4W Resistors
-R7: 680R 1/4W Resistor
-R8: 120R 1/2W Resistor
-R9: 100R 1/2W Trimmer Cermet
-C1,C2: 10µF 63V Electrolytic Capacitors
-C3: 100µF 25V Electrolytic Capacitor
-C4,C7: 470µF 25V Electrolytic Capacitors
-C5: 47pF 63V Ceramic Capacitor
-C6: 220nF 63V Polyester Capacitor\
-C8: 1000µF 25V Electrolytic Capacitor
-D1: 1N4148 75V 150mA Diode
-Q1: BC560C 45V 100mA PNP Low noise High gain Transistor
-Q2: BC337 45V 800mA NPN Transistor
-Q3: TIP31A 60V 4A NPN Transistor
-Q4: TIP32A 60V 4A PNP Transistor
-SW1: SPST switch
-SPKR: 3-5 Watt Loudspeaker, 8, 4 or 2 Ohm impedance
Labels: 12 volt Amplifier, Mini Amplifier